Schedule Of Events

The 2024 LNVT East Coast Rendezvous will be held Friday, September 27 through Monday, September 30. This year's event will be very informal, with no official host.

Please RSVP to gro.TVNL|rotide#gro.TVNL|rotide if you plan on attending, with or without a tug. Attendees list is up-to-date for now.

This is a proposed schedule, open to any and all suggestions!

Calvert Marina, Solomons Island, MD
Call 410-326-4251 and let them know you are with the Lord Nelson rendezvous

Thursday, September 26
Early Arrivals

Friday, September 27
Pot luck dinner

Saturday, September 28
Continental breakfast & coffee
Tug talk
Dinner at local restaurant TBD

Sunday, September 29
Continental breakfast & coffee
Tug Talk
Visit the Calvert Marine Museum
Dinner at local restaurant TBD

Monday, September 30
Continental breakfast & coffee

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